Lost My Innocence | Teen Ink

Lost My Innocence

January 5, 2011
By SimplySaved93 BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
SimplySaved93 BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves?

I stand here, thinking of my past
I stand here, wondering what’s going on
I look around me, noticing the difference
I see people roaming ‘round in circles, not knowing what to do

I stand here knowing things are different
Nothing is as it had seemed
I stand loosing control,
Because things are not as I’d been told
I know that I’ve lost my innocence

I stand here, remembering how things were
Curled up in my bed of security
Now I’m all alone, seeking for something more
But what I’ve seen isn’t helping me

I see now, that I am changing
It’s consuming, the craziness around me
I know that it won’t be long
But please tell me what I must do till then

I’m seeing things clearer now
I know what I must do
Even though it sounds insane
I must tell them the truth

It’s because I know….

I’ve lost my innocence

The author's comments:
This was something that I wrote for an assignment, back in freshman year. The piece of work was supposed to be based on Lord of the Flies. At first, I didn't see how I could write a coming of age piece to compare to the book. Then the theme of innocence just dawned on me. I'm glad it did.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 17 2011 at 1:08 pm
Clopsey PLATINUM, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
41 articles 23 photos 28 comments
Loved LOTF and love this piece! You definitely got the point that the book was making. Well done, and keep writing!!