Black Bird | Teen Ink

Black Bird

January 19, 2011
By Blackbird BRONZE, Simi Valley, California
Blackbird BRONZE, Simi Valley, California
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Quoth the raven 'Nevermore'"-Edgar Allen Poe

Flying above the mountains
Resting in silent hills
What is it that ruffles your feathers?
What is it that makes you feel?
Because your feather dropped on me
Now black is all I see
As you tape these bits and pieces
Praying they’ll fit again…

Where are you right now?
Are you guarding your straw nest?
Refusing to shut your eyes
And get a little rest
Oh is it the dreamms that scare you
Or is it just this world?
What will make you cry again
Black bird…

The smoke rises to the wooden branches
Where you crafted your delight
They come in the day, when your feathers are on display
The eclipse of a good morning
In your wake comes the night

Your chest is your shield, and your voice is the sword
But there armor of silence can stop those words you strike
You knew you’d give up your life
To let another live on

Where are you right now?
Are you guarding your straw nest?
Refusing to shut your eyes
And get a little rest
Oh is it the dreamms that scare you
Or is it just this world?
What will make you cry again
Black bird…

Oh, what’s a wing without a bone?
What’s bone with a bullet hole…?
Protecting what never began as yours…
Yet you loved like you breathed life into empty shells…
Oh blackbird…

Where are you right now?
Are you looking down at me from above?
Finally shutting your eyes
And dreamming the dreamms you love
Oh, it wasn’t the dreamms the scared you
You were right to fear this world…
Now you’ll never cry again…
Black bird…

You gave up this life…
To let another begin…
Oh blackbird, I’ll be waiting…
To sing with you again…

The author's comments:
Inspired by my nightmares and the band Gorillaz

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