Be Daring and Bold | Teen Ink

Be Daring and Bold

February 17, 2011
By Jordyn Mackie BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Jordyn Mackie BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone walking in certain groups
Not talking to anyone else
If you did, it would become a mess
Everyone is so set on who are friends, and who are not
Being close to four or five, that's not a whole lot
It's time to make a difference

Stop all the superficial cliques
Talk to someone you usually wouldn't
Don't worry about the time the 'leader' said you couldn't
Try something different
Be daring and bold
Make new friends, keep the old

In the lunchroom there are all the usual tables
The jocks, the artists, the nerds
Then there are the ones that just want to be heard
So stop all the worrying
The looks and the talks
It's time to make a difference

Stop all the superficial cliques
Don't worry about the time the 'leader' said you couldn't
Try something different
Be daring and bold
Make new friends, keep the old

The author's comments:
My theme of the song was to make a difference with all the bullying and violence in schools because of the cliques that won't divide up and embrace new people. I worked hard on this piece and I know that a lot of schools have to go through this every day.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 19 2011 at 1:18 pm
Denmark DIAMOND, Sacramento, California
53 articles 55 photos 111 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our Deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

normally I just read the songs and don't really respond to them but this one captured my interest. I really love the central message. I was bullied throughout elementary,  middle, and a bit of highschool. The last couple of years though my confidence grew and I became popular. But I used that popularity to befriend everyone. Especially the bullied kids. I knew how that felt. Thanks so much for sharing:)