Only Here for Now (Pete's Song) | Teen Ink

Only Here for Now (Pete's Song)

March 1, 2011
By Kathryn_Greene BRONZE, Yuma, Arizona
Kathryn_Greene BRONZE, Yuma, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"An eye for an eye only serves to make the whole world blind."

When the sun begins to play
All the earth will wake to greet you.
All things will come alive,
Bursting from the ground.

Can't you feel the Energy
Singing through the air?
It's all around you, listen up,
Because you're only here for now.

Flying by the saddle of my mustang,
Wind whipping at my face,
We run, so free and wild,
O'er the dusty plain.

Can't you feel the adrenaline
Coursing through your veins?
You're running free, so go ahead,
'Cause you're only here for now.

And we are fighting like two tigers.
It's us against the world.
It's just you and me,
No one else matters.
'Cause we're only here for now.

Can't you feel the Energy
Singing through the air?
It's all around you, listen up,
Because you're only here for now.

Can't you feel the adrenaline
Coursing through your veins?
You're running free, so go ahead,
'Cause you're only here for now.
Yes, you're only here for now.

The author's comments:
This song was written in honor and in loving memory of my Uncle Pete. My uncle was one of the greatest men that I have ever known. You've probably never heard of him but to all who knew him, his kindness and generosity was something close to legendary. There wasn't a single person who knew him who didn't love him. He is sorely missed but I know when I performed this song for his wife, he was right next to her and he was filling me with his love. He's in every word and chord of this song and I will forever remember him.

In Loving Memory of Garold Pete McMillen (July 28th, 2010)

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