Longing For You | Teen Ink

Longing For You

December 12, 2011
By alvis292 BRONZE, Ishpeming, Michigan
alvis292 BRONZE, Ishpeming, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

[Repeat *]

There was a time where you and I had something. Now we're apart, and you leave me nothing. All I wish is for you here. Is that too much to ask? You always made me smile... and just like that...

*I'm longing for you, feeling lonely and blue. Wish you could come back to me, babe. Oh, oh... Lonely and blue, longing for you. Longing for you.

If I could say, one of these days, you'll return. Well I hope it's soon, cause the pain is just worse. I wonder where you are. Baby, please come back. I cry at night, and day, and just like that...


The author's comments:
Missing someone gets anyone down. This song was dedicated to a special friend, and I hope others feel the same way I felt while I wrote this.

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