Two Years Ago | Teen Ink

Two Years Ago

February 10, 2012
By CovertheCoastline BRONZE, Cary, Illinois
CovertheCoastline BRONZE, Cary, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not about forcing happiness, it's about not letting sadness win.

I'm only transparent,
You only see me through my actions,
and I wanna feel human once again,
Striving for something I've never been.

I just want a solid foundation,
Something newer than individualization,
I just wanna be seen for who I am,
Pull away from this ghostly lifestyle.

I don't wanna walk alone down this crowded road. I don't wanna be stuck as a ghost with the rest of my life set in stone. I'm sick of being tied to this place, I can't recognize my own face. I lost myself two years ago, a real long time to spend all alone.

I drift along, I drift alone.
No solid color to call my own.
No special place that I can call home.
These long days on being unknown.

Let's open my eyes for a sec.
Hit rewind, and let it all play back,
Cross my fingers for reality,
But the grey sinks back to me.

I don't wanna walk alone down this crowded road. I don't wanna be stuck as a ghost with the rest of my life set in stone. I'm sick of being tied to this place, I can't recognize my own face. I lost myself two years ago, a real long time to spend all alone.

The author's comments:
This is a song I wrote for my band. All the songs I write are very heart felt, and either reflections of my life, thoughts in my head, or just my emotions and feelings. I wrote this song when I was really upset, and in one of those moods where I analyzed my life to try and find what went wrong. This song really hit home, and it actually helped me discover some bits and pieces of what went wrong.

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