End of the World Love | Teen Ink

End of the World Love

April 23, 2012
By Cokzian BRONZE, Sparks, Nevada
Cokzian BRONZE, Sparks, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Can We Pretend I&#039;m Amazing? <br /> I Can Pretend I&#039;m Amazing<br /> Instead of What We Both Know

My darling it's time for the end
I'm sure this is the last time we'll see each other again.

Don't be scared we just have to think of doing stuff we've dreamt of
So my angel I got us hot air balloon so come with me and grab your stuff

I hope you're going to feel the same way
I hope you're thinking what I'm going to say

Even though our lights will dim out and be our doom There's no one I'd rather be next to than you

My love look at the world we were supposed to share
We might die soon but as long as you kiss and love me I don't care

Give me that smile before I start missing you amor
You can cry if u want It's also hit my core

The end is indeed a tragedy but in all I have no regrets
All this had led me to the beauty of you, that I will never forget.

The world has given us our ups and downs but we still stand
Together loving each other and never letting go when we hold hands

It's only you that completes me and no one more
I'm happy you walked in my life and made a new open door

I thought I should tell you all this but I'm pretty sure I've told you every day
Earth angel you are the only girl where I love all your ways

I'm sorry if I talk too fast or too slow I just want to find the right words about you
Give me some time and I'll have the perfect thing to say and the nice thing to do

Perfect that's the only word that I can think. It'll be tough to let you go
Please look away if I cry, just give me a minute and I will try to let u know.

If you get tired tell me, I'll wrap you in my arms and sing u to sleep
If you want me to write you something let me know I'll write u a poem for you to eternally keep

There's no rush I don't see any flames yet
But I love you don't you ever forget

Hang on to me tight love, I have to make this last.
I want u to know I remember and cherish everything from the past

So here we go now I'll see you my everything, my world in the heaven above
On my part I was a man who had the wonderful pleasure of having true love.

The author's comments:
The song "Sound of Pulling Heaven Down" by Blue October and "World In Flames" by In This Moment inspired me to write this. Nothing seemed more romantic to me than to be with your lover til the last breath, and to have her be your last beautiful view caressing your sight

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