You Smile | Teen Ink

You Smile

July 10, 2012
By ilovemusic714 BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
ilovemusic714 BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect.<br /> -- Me

Every corner I turn down, my heart starts to pound. I close my eyes, take a breath and I hope to see you standing there

Maybe I'm a little late, then I'm gonna count the endless days that i don't see you.I can't wait to see your face, can't wait to see you smile. I've been waiting for a while. Now baby i get to see you smile.

Your smiles like the sun, it makes me fall outta bed. Your always on my mind. I can't get you outta my head. I go spinning 'round and 'round thinking bout what hes doing know cause,

Maybe I'm a little late, then I'm gonna count the endless days that i don't see you.I can't wait to see your face, can't wait to see you smile. I've been waiting for a while. Now baby i get to see you smile.

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