Can You | Teen Ink

Can You

August 29, 2012
By Cokzian BRONZE, Sparks, Nevada
Cokzian BRONZE, Sparks, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Can We Pretend I&#039;m Amazing? <br /> I Can Pretend I&#039;m Amazing<br /> Instead of What We Both Know

Ive lost everyone to talk to, to share my loss of pride to cry out loud
Ive lost my feeling to feel cared, just the weight of this gray cloud

I need to find a reason behind these constant breaths I take
All this unattainable happiness pushes me to think I'm a mistake

Can you hear my cry for help
Can you hear me lose myself
A world of confusion to fear, I'm petrified
Needing someone to hold my flaws and be verified

I feel stuck in this ocean, I cant find the land
I feel stuck in loneliness, a cold, scared hand

No one to hold my grip, only holding emotions to keep from scare
No one to accept this broken smile, to put it back to always care

Can you hear my cry for help
Can you hear me lose myself
My body shakes cuz I hold it all in
My heart pounding the holding begins

Have you ever seen someone cry at a love song, its pretty sad.
To constantly question this being my life and now missing what I had.

I walk alone hoping to be found and taken away from this place
The scare of this scared stare keeps me written danger on my face

Can you hear my cry for help
Can you hear me lose myself
The sorrys just aren't enough anymore
The answers to this prayer is what I look for

This body and mind aches to live and be healed
This lie of my strength needs to unfold, to stay revealed

There's just no way to show how much more this is real

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