Distorted Reflections | Teen Ink

Distorted Reflections

March 15, 2013
By Grimdron SILVER, Beaufort, South Carolina
Grimdron SILVER, Beaufort, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you allow those mirrors to control how you think?
Do you let those mirrors invade your mind?
Do you let them all weigh you down and sink?
Do you allow them to wrap and bind?

Can't you see the smudges?
Can't you see the fog?
Can't you see the cracks?
Making you seem wrong.

Don't you know that this isn't who you are?
Don't you know that this won't get you far!
Distortions making you seem what you aren't.
Reflections of the beast that taunts!
Distorted reflections!
Distorted predictions!
Distorted is the thing you see.
The thing you see in that mirror there!

Well, hey!
Can't you see the smudges?
Can't you see the fog?
Can't you see the cracks?
Making you seem wrong!

Don't you know you're the only one.
The only one who sees you as you do.
Don't you know that you aren't everything you say you are?
Can't you see your eyes show you lies?

Don't you know that this isn't who you are?
Don't you know that this won't get you far!
Distortions making you seem what you aren't.
Reflections of the beast that taunts!
Distorted reflections!
Distorted predictions!
Distorted is the thing you see.
The thing you see in that mirror there!

Distortions in your mirrors.. (in your mirrors)
Distortions inside your mind. (in your mind)
Distortions of what you see. (all you see)

Distorted is your sight...
Distorted is your blight...
Can't you just focus...
Can't you just focus.. a little.. harder...

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