The darkness in all of us | Teen Ink

The darkness in all of us

April 1, 2014
By Ravina BRONZE, Lynnwood, Washington
Ravina BRONZE, Lynnwood, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If madness leads to freedom
And to dark shall all things end
I hold my mind to ransom
And to dusk my soul I send

You come here speaking of the light
And all the good it brings,
But in the end you shall succumb
To truth that darkness sings

You have a god to look upon
And hope that gives you meaning
But wait in time and you shall find
On your heart the darkness feeding

What is this sickness in my heart,
A disease within my soul
I just wish to give my kin
The gift of truths untold

If you belive a care is here
A treatment for my ills
I just priscribed an antidote
Much greater than your pills

Is my mind so incurable?
My soul beyond repair
For all I wish is to give thee
My sullen gift to share

The gift of madness truly is
A beauty to behold
For when I give in to my own mind
Our world is not so cold

If madness leads to freedom
And to dark shall all things end.
I hold my mind to ransom
And to dusk my soul I send.

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