This Time | Teen Ink

This Time

January 8, 2015
By YinzLoveHer BRONZE, Spencerville, Indiana
YinzLoveHer BRONZE, Spencerville, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can't catch my breath,
My hearts beating outta my chest.
You've gone, and done it again.
You know you've had my heart,
You've had it right from the start.
But now I'm starting to see,
Who you are, underneath.
Come closer-
It's to over.
I don't care if you stay,
But I get, the final say.
Because you're knee deep in lies,
Now tell me are you satisfied?
You're done messing with my mind,
You'll never be part of my life.
'Cause I won't let you win this time.
Now you've lost all control,
I told you I'm not one to be fooled.
And here, we go again.
I was the one for you,
And then I saw you through.
But now I'm starting to know,
That you put on, quite a show.
Come closer-
It's not over.
Since you ran away,
I get the final say.
Because you're knee deep in lies,
Now tell me are you satisfied?
You're done messing with my mind,
You'll never be part of my life.
'Cause I won't let you win this time.
Now I've read all your stories,
And I've heard all your lies.
I've seen straight through,
You're little old disguise.
But I'll give you one more chance to believe,
You'll never find a girl, quite like me.
Too bad you're knee deep in lies.
Now tell me are you satisfied?
If you're done messing with my mind,
You could be part of my life-
But I won't let you win this time.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 11 2015 at 9:40 pm
SupernaturalGirl BRONZE, Vero Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" People are like dominoes, it's all about how you fall"

That was amazing! Keep up the lyrics, I'm so jealous!! too good :)