Titanium Gold | Teen Ink

Titanium Gold

June 19, 2015
By GlittzBabyBoo BRONZE, Cottonwood Heights, Utah
GlittzBabyBoo BRONZE, Cottonwood Heights, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no try. There is only do or do not. ~Yoda

Am I supposed to be unbreakable?
Am I supposed to be fearless?
Do you expect no tears?
Is that what you think makes me titanium gold?
Guess what.

I break!
I fall!
I cry and I lose my way sometimes.
What makes me titanium gold is that I don't let my breaks make me.
I am titanium gold.
I am unbeatable, and beautiful.
I am titanium gold!

Go ahead.
Beat me down.
Hit me where it hurts.
I don't care, because I am titanium gold,
and you can't keep me down!
Ill bounce right back!!

I break!
I fall!
I cry and I lose my way sometimes.
What makes me titanium gold is that I don't let my breaks make me.
I am titanium gold.
I am unbeatable, and beautiful.
I am titanium gold!

I am titanium gold! Forever strong, forever gold! You will never ever get me down!!

I break!
I fall!
I cry and I lose my way sometimes.
What makes me titanium gold is that I don't let my breaks make me.
I am titanium gold.
I am unbeatable, and beautiful.
I am titanium gold!

I break!
I fall!
I cry and I lose my way sometimes.
What makes me titanium gold is that I don't let my breaks make me.
I am titanium gold.
I am unbeatable, and beautiful.
I am titanium gold!

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece because of hardships i went through, the song titanium by sia and david guetta, and because of the undeniable beauty of gold.

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