Moments | Teen Ink


December 8, 2015
By Ellisethewritingbeast BRONZE, Bettendorf, Iowa
Ellisethewritingbeast BRONZE, Bettendorf, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly,"

A single second.
That’s all it takes
to change a lifetime,
to change a face.
Make someone happy
or make them cry.
To help continue their life
or let them die.
Some people don’t see this pain
that one person lives.
Some people view the mask
for what it really is.
Just a cover,
not a face.
Not a real feeling,
just a fake.
But some people don’t know.
Some people can’t tell.
The eyes are the only sign.
A window to the soul
that has no curtain.
It takes pain to see pain.
To see the rain
that threatens to flood their eyes.
To see the lack of color,
the dull grey tint.
That little speck of fear
that travels through an eye.
it takes pain to see pain,
and I don’t understand why.

The author's comments:

People must feel pain to see pain.

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