Thirteen Reasons Why | Teen Ink

Thirteen Reasons Why

July 14, 2018
By TessJW BRONZE, Lincoln, Other
TessJW BRONZE, Lincoln, Other
3 articles 2 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
‘ Death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live,’ - Norman Cousins.<br /> <br /> ‘ Standing alone doesn’t mean I am alone, it means I am strong enough to handle things all by myself,’ - Unkown.

Thirteen Reasons Why By Jay Asher is a deeply moving and thought provoking book about friends, love, hope and what it means to live. 

Jay Asher has written this in such a great way that your fingers are itching to turn the pages. This brave author is definitely not afraid to tell the truth and say what he wants he wants to say straight out. 

The book is written so Hannah speaks and then Clay reacts. It is very effective and makes you feel like you are the characters themselves. 

As Hannah speaks on her tapes explaining to Clay the thirteen reasons why she committed suicide, you feel so spellbound and utterly out of control of your own emotions. The film is also a feast for your emotions and eyes but I would recommend reading the book first. I am still trying to decide which is better film or book, feel free to comment your opinion, but I am a firm believer of reading books before films as much of a film nerd I am.  

I think Hannah’s story means something different to every reader. This is such a beautiful book and an absolute joy, sadness explosion and anger bomb to read. 


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