Beyond Belief | Teen Ink

Beyond Belief

April 20, 2009
By sunsetsandwaves19 BRONZE, Lenox Dale, Massachusetts
sunsetsandwaves19 BRONZE, Lenox Dale, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Josh Hamilton's autobiography Beyond Belief is a great book. It's filled with many laughs and an equal amount of tears. Hamilton starts off sharing his love for baseball, and as the reader continues on, we see how far he would go to protect his status as one of the most hopeful players there is. Between all the stories of his childhood and his newfound fame with the Texas Rangers, are many moments that leave the reader speechless. Hamilton shares how he battled with the endless addiction to cocaine and crack, the separation between him and his wife, and the desperate need to be reunited with his girls. The reader also learns that maybe tattoos aren't so harmless, and in the end, there is always faith. Josh Hamilton learns this the hard way, and his book shows exactly what he went through.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, as Hamilton's personal testimony will have a powerful affect on almost anyone. The book is a very easy read, and teaches a numerous amount of lessons important for anyone to learn. Josh Hamilton has an amazing story, and this book portrays what him, and many people have rose up against, in order to continue their dreams.


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