The Immortalist | Teen Ink

The Immortalist

August 24, 2019
By Linssy GOLD, Shenzhen, Other
Linssy GOLD, Shenzhen, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The immortal list is a fictional novel written by Chloe Benjamin. It is about four siblings who went to see a fortune teller who could predict the date of their deaths. Those children were very young, and they all have very different characteristics. The prophecies they heard affected them in different ways throughout their life. The main story line of this story is how the four siblings deal with their dates in their minds and whether the prophecies are correct.
It leads you to think that, if you could know the date when you will die, what would you do? It is really an interesting yet serious question to think about.
In my opinion, I would rather don't know the date, because If I do not know it, life will have some suspense, that is what life should be - full of unknown things; otherwise, if I know it, it feels like I have cheated in my life or the ending is spoiled. The date will restrict my life, I might always think about it and it distracts me. That is why I feel sad for the children, they heard things that shouldn't be heard at the young age like that.
The theme of the story is family and communication, it talks about the importance of communication between family members. It is necessary to share your thoughts and feelings with others, that could help you a lot. The main characters in the book learned how to communicate with families through all those complex events that had happened in their life linked by the prophecies.
I am very fond of one of the characters, Eddie, although he is not the main character. He is calm, thoughtful and rational. I especially like characters with those characteristics. He will think before he takes any actions, he will always think of other’s feelings and try not to hurt anyone, he will try his best to help anybody…He is the kind of person who gives you a sense of warmth and secure. Although he didn’t play the main role in this book, I like him the most.
I can recommend this book to my classmates because it is a quite interesting book, with all those storylines and characters linking together and have different relationships. However, I would not recommend to friends younger than me because it contains some strong language and some scenes that young children are not suitable to read and cannot understand.


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