Just Listen by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

February 10, 2010
By tiptay BRONZE, LaGrange, Maine
tiptay BRONZE, LaGrange, Maine
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Live your life to the fullest. Laugh like you've never laughed before. Love like you have never loved before.

I've always like the books that you could sit down for hours and just read, well the book “Just Listen” is definitely one of those books! You know those book were you can just picture and relate to a lot thats happening and you kind of wonder is maybe the author is writing it about you? That's what I thought when I started reading this book.

In “Just Listen” Annabel Greene the main character, is a model and in her photos it look like she has everything she's ever wanted. But in reality she hate modeling as she starts getting older. Annabel and her best friend Clarke, met a girl at the snack shack at the pool. Annabel finds her self staring at her in line and before she realizes it Sophie said with an attitude “What?” and Annabel just turns around. That was just the start of their friendship, but unfortunately the book picks up on the time their friendship is at an end. (You”ll have to read it to find out what happens!) Annabel looses her best friend Clarke due to Sophie's rudeness, and now she thinks she has no friends. Annabel starts sitting on the wall at lunch by a boy named Owen Armstrong, she studies him and gets all these impressions of him. Then one day, Sophie and Annabel get into a fight at school, and Annabel finds herself throwing up in the bushes after the fight with Owen helping her up and giving her tissues to wipe her face with.

The theme of this book, I think is for one not to judge people on the way the act and the other is not to take your friends for granted, who knows how long you'll have them for.

Sarah Dessen said “People are always interested to learn where a story comes from, and I’m often asked where I get the ideas for my books. The truth is, sometimes I don’t even know: rather than just one big moment, it’s often a lot of little random thoughts, scribbled notes on scraps of paper and backs of receipts, that make up a novel. Other times, though, you can trace a story’s beginning back to a specific moment. That’s what happened with Just Listen.

Sarah Dessen's style of writing is the type were you can just keep reading and reading and reading and... well you get the point! She can always keep your attention in all of her books, they can relate to everyone young or old! So do you want to know what happens to Sophie and Annabel? If Annabel tells her Mom she doesn't want to model? Do her and Owen become a thing? Will her and Clarke make up? Guess you'll have to read the book to find out!


This article has 3 comments.

on Jun. 2 2010 at 5:26 pm
liv_luv_4eva SILVER, Morganville, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking.

me 2! I luv her writing...not so much The Truth about Forever.

tiptay BRONZE said...
on Jun. 2 2010 at 8:02 am
tiptay BRONZE, LaGrange, Maine
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Live your life to the fullest. Laugh like you've never laughed before. Love like you have never loved before.

that was probably one of the things that kept me interested in the book, I love Dessen's writing though she is without a doubt one of my favorite writers!

on Feb. 26 2010 at 7:33 pm
liv_luv_4eva SILVER, Morganville, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking.

I read it. It was sad and suspenseful. I can't believe that Annabel's sister is aneroxic