The Book Thief by Markus Zusak | Teen Ink

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

February 23, 2010
By Nikko BRONZE, Singapore, Other
Nikko BRONZE, Singapore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Book Thief is certainly a book that begins with a morose but interesting tone that may discourage readers at first look. For me, though it is a book that very much resembles Number the Stars in essence, it grows to fill a much more somber take of Nazi Germany. Throughout the book, the overwhelming sense of depression that usually accompanies such novels is lightened by the playful antics of Liesel and her friend Rudy. Liesel, the main character, is trying to cope with the death of some people very important to her at the beginning part of the book. She grows as a character well, changing from a crying baby to a young book thief.

I myself enjoyed the book, though the ending leaves much to be desired. It didn’t feel like the way he closed the book really added up the caliber of the rest of the plot. The story fizzled off at the end. I feel in terms of writing style, I like how the author keeps much of the suspense going throughout the book, but I strongly dislike three parts. Firstly, he added in his own ‘spoilers’ throughout the book, revealing a quick glimpse of the ending even in the middle. Secondly, the narrator choice – death personified – was a bad choice. Finally, I did not like his brief interruptions dotted here and there in the book, where he would interrupt the story to provide a brief note from the ‘narrator.’

Overall, a good book, but nothing to rave about.

The author's comments:
I was given this book review project as an assignment in an RLA class, but I increasingly felt that I could really craft this book review into a work of art itself, and that's what I think I've done.


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