The Earth, My Butt and, Other Big round things | Teen Ink

The Earth, My Butt and, Other Big round things

November 8, 2007
By Anonymous

The Earth, My Butt and, Other Big round things
By: Carolyn Mackler

Virginia Shreves, a 14 year old freshmen deals with many problems in her life, one of them is looing weight. This may be a problem for her because it may be a struggle to get through many struggles in her live. Once one thing has gotten straighten out another thing occurs. While she is trying to straighten out some things that are going on at home she is also trying to accomplish a goal. This brings us to the theme of this book. The theme of this book is to never give up on your goals even if something is trying to keep you from accomplishing them. The book takes place at Los Angeles and Seattle Washington. It is in the present tense.

This novel “The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round things” was a very interesting and on going book. The book really brings out the interests in the characters. Another thing this author has done was bring the characters to life and really make them sound real everything the author said sounded like it would actually come out of a teenagers mouth. This book tries to make you understand how to never give up on your dreams even if something or someone tries to get in your way. The book shows how people try to get in Virginia's way to reaching her goal with trying to loose weight. The author has done a lot of great things while writing this book some of them are making the characters become real and wanting the reader to move on and never stop reading the book.

The book wasn't boring whatsoever. The author wrote it like a teenager really went through a lot of those problems and it really sounded like everything was really and was really happening. A teenage girl should have a lot in common with this character a recommendation to read this book would be all the teenage girls because they would have a lot of relation to the main character, Virginia Shreves. That is why many teenage girls will love reading this book. Some problems that the character goes through are guy problems, teacher problems and, family problems. Which is what many teenage girls normally go through.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars


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