The Old Man and the Sea | Teen Ink

The Old Man and the Sea

March 8, 2011
By Jakerok SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Jakerok SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Old Man and the Sea is basically about an old man, named Santiago, and his fishing trip in the sea. This book maybe small, but after reading it, no one cannot get enough of it. In more specific terms, the story goes about Santiago, an unlucky fishermen, spend eighty-four days without a single fish to sell, but his optimistic that someday his unlucky fishing streak will soon come to an end.
On the eighty-fifth day, he set sail further from his original fishing point before the sun even arose. By noon, he caught the biggest fish he knows named Marlin. Santiago tried to reel it in, but Marlin would not give in; Marlin swam to get himself freed. For three straight days, Marlin tried to escape while Santiago, badly would and extremely tired, still hold on to Marlin with just a rope. The dilemma Santiago face is:
1) Should he let go of Marlin and go home empty handed?
2) Or continue holding Marlin for who knows how long?
You decide.
Ernest Hemingway has created his own version of Moby Dick, a man who finds a big fish, and he wants to capture it and kill it. Maybe someone is like Captain Ahab or Santiago. Risking their life to kill something for their own desires. Maybe I am one them. If you read Moby Dick, and you decide to throw that book in the trash; I recommend this book: The Old Man and the Sea.


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