Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson | Teen Ink

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

January 10, 2012
By iloveenglandmuffins BRONZE, Albany, New York
iloveenglandmuffins BRONZE, Albany, New York
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By: Laurie Halse Anderson

Speak is the kind of book that makes you think of all the things you do during school. Maybe you’re the class clown and make everyone laugh. Or you’re the all around popular girl who wears the best clothes. Laurie Halse Anderson lets you feel every emotion Melinda feels as she goes through high school as a social outcast.

Melinda used to be the type of girl you see hanging out with her friends or dancing at a party. Now she’s just the girl you when you’re in Spanish class sitting in the back of the room blending in. Always seen, but never heard. Melinda pretty much changed everything about herself after what happened during the party she went to in August.

This book shows all the ups and downs of high school. It doesn’t matter if you’re a jock or a cheerleader in high school. At one point you just might experience what Melinda had to feel in this book once. I think the theme of this book is how to get through the hardest times in your life no matter how big they are. There is always a way to bounce back.

This book may not be your favorite book of all time when you’re done reading it, but I assure you you’ll get a good lesson on reality.


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