Halo (Heaven Sent) by Alexandra Adornetto | Teen Ink

Halo (Heaven Sent) by Alexandra Adornetto

February 4, 2012
By lyric_gonzales GOLD, Batangas, Other
lyric_gonzales GOLD, Batangas, Other
17 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Angels. The creatures made by God to protect and guide humans. Who knew they’d be here on earth, literally?

Bethany is an angel. She is sent by Heaven to bring good to earth, together with other angels – Gabriel and Ivy, disguised as humans. She could be considered as the most human from the group. Unlike her siblings, she’s always curious about the human life. Her curiosity grows when she meets Xavier Woods.

Bethany became attracted to Xavier Woods. One day, she discovers that Xavier feels the same way. They were unable to resist each other and became a couple. This became very hard for her since she’s an angel who fell in love with a human. It’s up to Bethany to save the world from darkness while not letting go of Xavier.

Alexandra Adornetto brought understanding to love. A love that’s as complicated as an angel and a human falling for each other.

The book is written from Bethany’s point of view. The story seemed as if the reader lives as Bethany – full of curiosity and innocence. It’s like you don’t know anything about the human life and try to learn about it step by step as Bethany.

The story shows how the world is today, like how the humans act or how teenagers engage themselves in technology.

You can learn a lot from Halo – some about heaven, angels and God, and some about life.

Halo will help the reader’s understand more about human life and welcome you to the world in Heaven. It will bring you to the adventures of Bethany as she unravels life and love that she hasn’t experienced in Heaven as an Angel.

The author's comments:
Love is not some kind of a game, it is special and should be taken care of because it's the only thing that accepts you for who you are.


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