The Postcard Killers by James Patterson, Liza Marklund | Teen Ink

The Postcard Killers by James Patterson, Liza Marklund

April 30, 2012
By CrystalAngelDol SILVER, Queens, New York
CrystalAngelDol SILVER, Queens, New York
7 articles 0 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don&#039;t care and the other 80% are glad you have them.<br /> - Lou Holtz

This book was amazing. Definitely a 5/5 from me. It was full of suspense.
I think this book is by far the best book written by James Patterson.
Jacob Kanon's daughter is murdered in Rome with her husband. Jacob being a police investigator travels to Sweden chasing these postcard killers. They are named Postcard Killers because they send a snapshot of the couples after they are killed to a local newspaper. Jacob teams up with Dessie, the most recent newspaper writer to receive a postcard.
I was never bored throughout the book and I can proudly say that I did not skip one word. I read this book in 2 hours. It was outstanding, it left me with so much happiness and excitement at the end, that these killers were captured. Definitively a must read if your into thrillers.


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