Fallen by Lauren Kate | Teen Ink

Fallen by Lauren Kate

October 29, 2012
By Anonymous

What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours? Fallen is about a girl who gets “shipped” off to a school called Sword and Cross. It’s a modern day Romeo and Juliet with a twist. Her parents are not the ones keeping her from seeing Daniel. This is the twist; she is caught in a love triangle between Cam and Daniel. Which guy should she choose? She feels as if she’s seen Daniel before, but where? Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, Luce has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep a secret… even if it kills her.
Fallen revolves around a teenage girl, Lucinda Price (aka Luce). She is desperately in love with Daniel, but he knows they cannot be together, although he is also desperately in love. She makes a lot of friends and a few enemies at Sword and Cross. She meets Arianne, Penniweather Van Syckle-Lockwood (aka- Penn), Cam (remember love triangle), and of course Daniel. She also meets Molly who seems as if she’s so mean they could never be friends, but that’s not truly the case.
Fallen is a romantic story that slowly turns into a battlefield. It will have you on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what will happen next not being able to put it down. I loved it because it was a suspenseful, romantic, battle story. I recommend this book, Fallen, because you will fall in love with the romantic/battle story because even if you don’t like battle there is some romance lurking around and if you don’t like romance there’s a quite vicious battle involved too. I recommend you read the whole Fallen series by Lauren Kate. The rest of the books are titled: Fallen, Torment, Passion, Rapture, and Fallen in Love.

The author's comments:
I wrote this book review because I thought this book was a really good book and I liked it a lot.


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