Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

August 1, 2013
By MaraLynn BRONZE, Nyob, Florida
MaraLynn BRONZE, Nyob, Florida
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Summer is a great time for sweet, romantic stories. That’s why I recently read “Safe Haven” by Nicholas Sparks. I didn’t expect to get hooked on so quickly, this novel was not only romantic, but it also packed in the suspense.

The story takes place in a small town where a young woman, Katie, comes to start her entire life over. She doesn’t want to get any close relationships with anyone. That all changes when she meets Alex, a middle aged man with two children. As Katie gets closer to both Alex and his children, her secret comes back to haunt her. She has to make the hardest decision of her life, either face her problems head on or run and again and leave her new life behind.

I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. I loved all the characters and I felt they were well-rounded and relatable. Over all I think this book is a great summer read and I would give it four out of five stars.


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