School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins | Teen Ink

School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins

May 8, 2014
By Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
293 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

We left off as Sophie and Archer were walking into the sunset, as the battle at Hex Halls were finally over. Yet there was someone whose story did not end. After Sophie got her happy ending, theirs were just beginning. I’m talking about the Brannick, a race of red-headed Irish women who are on a mission to kill all prodigium. The youngest Izzy Brannick finally gets to tell her story.

It starts with the disappearance of her older sister Finley, left Izzy and her mom filling in a hole. To fix that, and get Izzy some good practice, her mom moves them to a small town enrolling Izzy in the local school. The local school is experiencing a ghost problem that it is up to Izzy to fix. Never going to school Izzy got a real experience what being a teenage girl is like. She loved it. Making friends easily with the local crazy girl Romy, the colorful jeans, bright shirt, and ghost believing girl, who started up her own ghost hunting club at the school. With her are Anderson, and the lovely, wonderful and amazing Dex. Dex who, when they touch feels like a prodigium, but is he? Izzy has to keep reminding herself that this is a job, not a chance to live a normal life. The ghost is going anything than easy. It’s strong, growing stronger by the fear its cause. Normal ghost cannot do this, yet this one can. Izzy has to find a way to stop the ghost, but what if… just what if it was one of her friends that raised it from the dead. Can she make the choice between killing the friend that raised it, or use another, riskier way to get rid of the ghost.

Rachel Hawkins is one of my favorite author. Hex Halls was an amazing trilogy and majorly under-appreciated. Yet this book did not ruin the series, but made me sad. Nothing happy came from this book. Yes I was happy that Izzy got to appreciate being a normal teenage girl, but that’s it. I’m sad about how Dex life turned out (even though he did get a “new family”), and the whole part of Finely been missing was a big why? It almost looked like you set this spin-off series to become a series of them all. For all you Hex Halls readers, I would say stay away. Do not read this. Leave Izzy and the rest of the Brannick alone. For this book will only leave you a hole in your heart.

The author's comments:
It's a nice spin-off, but for me, it just made me sad.


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