The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 20, 2014
By Nevaeh Fukui-Stoos BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Nevaeh Fukui-Stoos BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hazel Grace is a young, intelligent, beautiful, clever, teenage girl. The only unfortunate thing about her is; she has terminal cancer. It affects her lungs greatly, so she is forced to carry around an oxygen tank to help her breathe and function in everyday life. She because of this disability she is not a typical teen. She does not do as many things as more teenagers her age do. She spends most of her time in her cozy, comfortable, peaceful home. She is an only child, so her parents are protective of her. She mostly reads and writes. Her parents decide that she should go to a support group to share and talk with other kids her age, but she hates it. She can be very shy and quiet, but in her mind she has a million thoughts just waiting to come out. One day at one of the support group meetings, there is a new person, Augustus Waters. Isaac, who has eye cancer and is nearly blind brings his best friend to their group meeting. Augustus is tall, muscular, rather handsome, smart, and funny. Augustus has previously, suffered from cancer. He only has one leg, the other a prosthetic. He has overcome the cancer and was very healthy. Augustus is attracted to Hazel, but Hazel is not one to fall for a guy, easily. Augustus and Hazel get to hang out with each other, talk, relate. Hazel said, “I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep slowly, then all at once." The only problem that these teens are facing is, if they are healthy enough for the future. Hazel’s health is a rollercoaster with ups and downs. Augustus’s health is dropping. Getting worst, like an infected wound, the cancer is coming back. The only question is how long to they have and will things getting better? Treasure the little things in life, and how lucky we really are. John Green is a great writer, very talented with the construction of this story. This book has great detail that make you feel every emotion all of the pain, happiness, excitement the characters are feeling. You need to read this story, feel the emotion, find out about the ending, read and find out for yourself. It is worth it.




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