Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver | Teen Ink

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver

January 26, 2017
By Shalneev BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Shalneev BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you like action or adventure type books, then i recommend Wolf Brother. It is about an evil that is prowling the land. There is a legend that says a twelve year old and his wolf cub companion can stop the evil that is ruining the land. This book takes place 6001 years ago during the stone age.

Torak the chosen 12 year old heartbroken kid who just lost a loved one. Him and his loved one was in a tribe called the wolf tribe.All this takes place in a forest that is full of different types of tribes. He has to go through a lot of obstacles to stop this monster. Whether it's forest and rivers or other tribes trying to stop him. All this takes place in a forest that is full of different types of tribes.

These are the type of books i personally like. This a part of a series called Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness.It keeps you wondering what'll happen next. This book reminds me of the movie “The Legend Of Tarzan”. They both are similar in some ways.


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