Unstoppable by Tim Green | Teen Ink

Unstoppable by Tim Green

January 27, 2017
By kniesteadt BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
kniesteadt BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Green, Tim. Unstoppable. New York, Harper, 2012. 343.

Unstoppable is a book  that tells the story of a boy named Harrison who is going through hard times. When he was six years old, his mom died. Also, at 3 years old, his dad left him and his mom so with no family he was up for adoption.  When he was in foster care, a woman with two children walk into the foster home and said like to adopt Harrison.  Harrison was happy when he first got to the house, but then the next day he was not so happy because he had to work on the farm getting no money and getting beat with hardly getting a bite to eat. He was kind of treated like a slave. One morning, he woke up with a black eye from the beatings.Harrison went back to foster care.  A few years go by, when a man and a woman walk in  looking to start a family, so they pick Harrison, but Harrison did not know what is next. He soon felt a part of the football team at the high school. 

Unstoppable is overall good, but the beginning started out slow then it got better.  I would give it a 7.5 out of 10 stars.  Tim Green did well on being very descriptive of the characters and what they are doing in the book so it's hard to get confused. I would recommend it to kids 11 years old and older because the book gets  kind of gruesome for some people. It’s a good book.


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