the house on mango street | Teen Ink

the house on mango street

March 13, 2009
By ivonne alvarez BRONZE, San Jose, California
ivonne alvarez BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In The House On Mango Street a young girl named Esperanza tells you about her family. She talks about her new house and the friends she makes as she adapts to her new neighborhood. The book starts with the reason they arte moving, they are moving because the pipes at their apartment had been broken and they need to get out in order to fix them. The family had moved many times before so Esperanza's family was use to moving around. Esperanza is ashamed of her new house and doesn't like to talk about it or point it out to any one. She becomes friend with a girl named Cathy. Cathy became her first friend but they weren't friend for long because Cathy was moving because her parents said that the neighborhood was not safe implying that it was all due to Esperanza's family moving in. The House On Mango Street also shows the problems the characters have in their life. Its not a book that hides the truth of the real world and what we face its not a fairytale so it doest have a happy ending.

I would recommend this book to any one that isn't afraid of how the world really is. This is a great book because it includes several metaphors, similes, and many other literary devices. Also this is a good book because you fell like you are there with Esperanza and her friends and in that neighborhood, Mango Street.


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