one eyed giant | Teen Ink

one eyed giant

March 13, 2009
By edwin martinez BRONZE, San Jose, California
edwin martinez BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the book The One Eyed Giant, the author Mary Pope Osborne Writes about a man named Odysseus Who lives on the island of Ithaca. Odysseus who is suddenly called for war departs from Ithaca to the island of troy to battle the the trojans. When he defeated the enemy he was on his way home, but got lost. Odysseus ended on an island where cyclopses roamed the island. Already on the island a cyclops killed some of his men, but Odysseuys managed to escape, before he left the island the cyclops, son of poseidon prayed that Odysseus would loose all his men or die on his trip back home. I really liked this book because every little thing is described.

I would recommend this book to people who like mysteries and heroic battles.


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