Good Enough | Teen Ink

Good Enough

April 6, 2009
By Haley Rabic BRONZE, Indian Land, South Carolina
Haley Rabic BRONZE, Indian Land, South Carolina
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This is the story of a young girl born to harsh Korean parents. Patti, the main character has always strived for perfection, and always been pushed to do so by her parents. It is her senior year and she is struggling with the weight of making it into the 2300 club, getting into HarvardYalePrinceton, and auditioning for all state violin concert master. Amidst all the chaos she becomes completely smitten with a new boy in town, Ben, who distracts her from everything that was used to seem important, but doesn’t seem to be anymore. By the end of the book Patti learns that success and happiness are not synonymous and she learns that what makes her happy is more important than what makes her parents happy. My favorite character was Patti Yoon, because she is humorous, smart, has a love for music, and has a stressful/troubled life. I believe that because of these reasons I relate closely to Patti Yoon, and it made me want to keep turning the pages. This is an amazing witty book that greatly illustrates the stressful lives and expectations of today’s teenagers. I would recommend this book to any young adult interested in a good book, and a humorous outlook on the stresses of life.


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