Slumdog Millionaire | Teen Ink

Slumdog Millionaire

January 29, 2010
By BeccaLynn GOLD, Milwaukie, Oregon
BeccaLynn GOLD, Milwaukie, Oregon
17 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Time is a river... and books are boats. Some boats are lost at sea. while others float forever filling peoples head with their knowledge

This movie was a dissapointment. I am aware that this movie stole the show in last years award shows but I was un impressed. As many movies these days, this movie is a book. A very good book a funny adventure book that follows the life of a boy that lives in India. Just reading this book makes you feel like you have been in india and have watched what is happinng with you own eyes. But the movie was not anything like this. I get how they change things to make it into a movie, that isn't what makes me mad. It is the fact that they almost went OUT OF THEIR WAY to change things that would be so easy to not change. I think if I have not of read the book the movie would have been better but as many things it was a dissapointment


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