"The Last Song" | Teen Ink

"The Last Song"

April 9, 2010
By Ashley VantHul BRONZE, Trent, South Dakota
Ashley VantHul BRONZE, Trent, South Dakota
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

This past weekend I went to the theatre and saw the movie “The Last Song”. The movie came out March 31, 2010. It was more a of a romantic drama movie, some parts were funny but I would say more sadness happened. Lots of other people in the class saw this movie, so it obviously is appealing to the younger feminine crowd.

In this film you start off with a mother dropping off a rebellious girl and her little brother off at their father’s house for the summer. It’s plain to see that the daughter and father don’t get along. Through the movie thought her and her father’s relationship progresses, but she also had someone open up her heart. Her first day there she met Will Blakelee; they were each other’s first true loves. Ronnie, the rebellious girl, is a wonderful pianist but she doesn’t play because of her parents’ divorce. You later find out that Ronnie’s father has lung cancer and is dying. Ronnie and Will get in a fight about the burning of the church, because everybody thought it was Ronnie’s father Steve but really it was
Scott, Will’s friend. Ronnie’s father than dies and after the funeral Ronnie and Will make up and get back together. End of story.

This film was directed by Julie Anne Robinson, the writers include: Nicholas Sparks and Jeff Van Wie. Actors: Ronnie Miller( Miley Cyrus), Steve Miller( Greg Kinnear), Jonah Miller( Bobby Coleman), Will Blakelee( Liam Hemsworth) and Scott( Hallock Beals). This film is up 320% in popularity this week.

When I saw this film I thought it was really excellent, it made me want to cry on some parts except when Miley Cyrus had to “act” sad. I still don’t really think that she’s ready for a major movie like this one, her acting is lackluster and makes you want to laugh at times. Liam Hemsworth is a major hunk; I believe he’ll be the next Edward Cullen.

If you’re not in to the soppy love stories than this movie is not for you. I am a fan of Nicholas Sparks and I believe she had another great film just like the notebook.


This article has 1 comment.

starboy BRONZE said...
on May. 19 2010 at 12:07 pm
starboy BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments
this movie sad i like it im still reading the book