The Call | Teen Ink

The Call

January 7, 2014
By frida BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
frida BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Call

On March 14, 2013 the movie The Call, directed by Brad Anderson and written by Richard D’Ovidio, was released to the public. There was a 911 operator that has to confront her past and emotion to help a teenager who has been kidnapped. Throughout the movie it had the viewers engaged, making the viewer wanting to see more. At some points, there was confusion, the viewer had to make their own conclusion to understand why some harsh decisions had to be taken.

It was a brilliant idea to show the audience how a 911 operator lives and their emotions after a call. Many people don't know how much a 911 operator can be emotionally affected. Many people think that the cops are the ones affected emotionally and physically. This film proved how much one call can effect a operator. It was interesting to see how the life of an operator is and how dramatically their lives can change. " It's the hardest job I've ever had...The not knowing how it would it end. You just answer the call and dispatch and the unit takes over. You never know if they there was an arrested, someone got shot, if the PR lived..." Jordan (Halle Berry)

There was a big confusion at the end, causing the audience to make their own conclusion and not having a clear reason why the teenager got kidnapped. The director, Brad Anderson, should have demonstrated the ending saying why the teenager was kidnapped. One of the most common questions asked. According to Nayeli Flores, one of the viewers, "The teenager got kidnapped because the kidnapper liked a girl similar to the teenager." There were other opinions saying that it was because the kidnapper's sister had cancer, but the viewers will not know exactly why.

The call was an amazing film. The uniqueness and the tension of this film made it an unforgettable movie. When the audience see this movie for the first time, they should pay very careful attention to the small details. There was some confusion, but the uniqueness overcame the confusion. If the plot and the decisions taken were more clear, than it would have been a great movie and beyond.


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