Frozen | Teen Ink


March 21, 2014
By Sarah Borland BRONZE, La Canada, California
Sarah Borland BRONZE, La Canada, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Disney’s Frozen adds another princess to their list, yet this time, one set in a snowy town and sisterly love. The main character, Anna, and her older sister Elsa, whom is the queen, are royalty in Arendalle due to the tragic death of both their parents. Christophe, Sven, Olaf and Hans are also big characters that drive the story along. Christophe and Sven buddy up with Anna in hope of finding Elsa, who fled the kingdom one night after setting off an eternal winter that her magical powers have led her to cause. The entirety of the movie is the sisterly connection and love they have for each other and the desire to bring Elsa back to the kingdom, where she belongs. This movie was also a sing along with numerous songs that were uplifting and happy. The voice over actors and actresses were not just ordinary people, they were cast brilliantly, with voices that captured the emotion and feeling of each character. This movie was released mid December and was nominated for and won an Oscar this past March. I decided to watch this because my older sister gushed about it and because I had previously downloaded the soundtrack and new all the lyrics to the songs.

This was, by far, one of my all time favorite Disney Princess movies due to its complex and surprising plot line, the strong female character leads and the catchy and happy songs. In addition to the well-crafted script, I applaud Disney for changing the usual love at first sight to something much deeper and real. The fact that females were the two main characters in this movie served the purpose of showing young kids that girls do not need a man, that they can be strong and independent on their own. From previous Disney princess movies I have watched, I was expecting a different outcome in the end, but was happily surprised. This ending and movie as an entity definitely increased my respect and love for the movies Disney creates, especially giving me a new found love for Disney princess movies.

The best aspects of the film were the songs, such as “Let it Go”, the uplifting nature of the characters, such as Olaf and Sven and the entire plot line, always keeping you on the edge of your seat. In addition, the storyline of two sisters was something I thoroughly felt connected with and enjoyed since I too have an older sister, leaving me loving the character of Anna. The animation was superb, with intricate actions and vivid colors that brought the snowy atmosphere to life and the songs were seamlessly incorporated into the script, adding an energy that lacks in other films. In all, the craftsmanship of the animation and the script incorporated with songs, made for an entertaining and engaging film.

Some of the things that I would make better were the scenes Olaf were in and the occasional difficulty in understating what some of the minor characters were saying due to their heavy accents. I did not, by any means, dislike the scenes Olaf were in, but I enjoyed and liked them so much that I wish to have seen him in more of the scenes throughout the film. His lighthearted and funny lines added so much to the film and made you want to have your very own personal Olaf. In regards to the accents, which were only sometimes hard to understand, they were mostly difficult because the characters were talking at such a fast pace. By slowing down the talking, just a tad, this will give the younger audience and the older audience time to understand and hear what every character is saying, even the minor ones.

I believe that this film will warm the hearts of all ages and be an entertaining and joyful film for all those who see it. No matter the age or gender, this film is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. From the catchy songs to the funny characters, this film created a masterpiece. This movie is not one to be missed; after all, it did win an Oscar. From the personable characters to the lighthearted, fun mood Olaf and Sven provide, this movie captures all aspects of a film that captures the audience and giving them an enjoyable and lovable movie. All Disney lovers, musical lovers and animation lovers should definitely watch this film because I can guarantee that it will be one of your absolute favorite animated Disney films to date.


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