Trolls | Teen Ink


January 25, 2018
By camrynschroeder BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
camrynschroeder BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Everybody loves to feel happy, I mean I sure do. This movie helped lift my attitude out of a slump. The last time I watched a happy movie, I was in a sad mood but by the end of it, I was feeling much better. It’s outstanding how movies can do that to people.The bright colors on the cover of “Trolls” caught my attention right away. The biggest qualities of the characters include: loyalty, forgiveness and optimism.Many scenes throughout the movie were so humorous. I was so glad I watched it. I’ve already viewed this movie multiple times. My advice is to relax, make some popcorn, and put on a movie. I highly recommend “Trolls” because I had a great experience with the movie.
From this movie I learned that there are going to be some rough patches in life but getting up and trying no matter how difficult things get, is a great characteristic to have. Also,  live life to the fullest because life is short. In the movie, there are these little trolls with their own cute little names, but then there are the bergens. The bergens are unhappy monsters that they think the only way to achieve happiness is by eating a troll. The reason for this is because the trolls are so bright, happy, and always seem to think on the bright side. An individual can be happy if they put forth the effort to do so. I spent three-fourths of this movie smiling and the other one-fourth of it teary eyed because it’s so touching but yet tragic. I wish society could be like the one presented in trolls. Life is full of fun experiences and that is what this movie is all about!
If I am not feeling in the happiest mood, my friend Lily always says our favorite line from the movie that never fails to make us laugh. The favorite line is “Oh my god” but the reason it’s funny is because it comes from the tiny troll that most would think should have a high voice, but actually has a low voice. One of my teachers and I have a handshake from the movie; the octopus. It’s where one  person goes in for what we call “the fist bump” and the other person seems like they are going to do a fist bump but actually lines their knuckles together, but wiggles their fingers downward, making an octopus.This movie has become a part of my life now.  This movie models great positive behavior for children and even older people who could use some extra glitter in their life.
The movie was produced primarily for the interests of children but adults can watch it too. There are important lessons throughout the movie that I think everyone can learn from.  “Trolls” has adventure, love, happiness, and a comedy all in one! How often are these types of movies made? There is also singing in this movie for the individuals who adore musicals. I wish I could tell everyone more about the movie, but I don’t want to spoil the fun. There is even a holiday addition to “Trolls” but I recommend watching the first “Trolls” before watching this one, otherwise it won’t make much sense. Sometimes, I feel stressed and down and think the only solution to my problem is to run away and not exist in the world for a while. After watching this movie, I learned that this is not the way to solve my problems.
I recommend this movie because there are so many life lessons to learn from it. I am currently fourteen years old and I find this movie unbelievably helpful. “Trolls” teaches us to not give up on friends and family and to me, that is super important. Family is always there during tough times, making me a better person, trying new things I never thought I could ever do, and will love you unconditionally. So what would the world look like if we behaved more like the trolls in this movie? I think we would all live in a world where there is no crimes and we would all love and care for each other, no matter how flawed we are. Together, let’s change our world and be more like Trolls.


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