Rush Hour | Teen Ink

Rush Hour

May 19, 2018
By BobNboB BRONZE, Houston, Texas
BobNboB BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rush Hour, the greatest trilogy of ALL time. I mean the franchise made up to $347,325,802 in the box offices with success many can only dream to achieve. Unfortunately not everybody feels the same way I do about the film. For example rotten tomatoes rated the 1st film to be 60%, which is crazy if you ask me. For the sake of time I’ll only be reviewing rush hour 1. I loved the way how they used comedy in this movie. The chemistry between Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan blew me away. I’ve spent my whole childhood re-watching this film over and over again. To the point I’m lead to believe it has become an addiction.

Also the fact that it was made in 1998 really gives this film its values. I would rather watch this movie over every new film that is coming out with astonishing effects. No matter what people say, this movie is a classic and needs to be remembered. Not to mention the greatly choreographed fight scenes. That one scene when Lee (Jackie Chan) had the wheel hand cuffed to his arm and took down all the feds was priceless. The quality of such an old movie is beyond its time. After 19 years I have yet to find a better movie to watch on repeat, other than rush hour 2: my favorite all time movie.

Over all rush hour was a good, great, amazing, astonishing,astounding,surprising,stunning,staggering, shocking, startling, stupefying, and a breathtaking movie. In other words there’s no way to explain the greatness of this film. And now for my rating of the film, drum roll please…

A whopping 10/10 no doubt about it. I seriously recommend this movie to you, if you haven’t watched it then you’re either too young to know about it or you’re an absolute moron.  With that being said WATCH RUSH HOUR!


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