Taylor Swift, | Teen Ink

Taylor Swift,

February 1, 2009
By Caroline Rodi BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
Caroline Rodi BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Taylor Swift “Fearless” album review

“You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless.” That is only one of the lines on this album that will get stuck in your head for days. All in all, Taylor Swift’s sophomore album is anything but disappointing! It seems Swift is reading any teenage girl’s mind as each song unfolds. Every song is open and honest to the core. It’s almost like every song is a young girl’s diary shining through in a heartfelt song. There are songs with everything from breakups, (You’re Not Sorry, White Horse, and many more) to your first day of High School (Fifteen), to a good relationship with your mother, (The Best Day). Although her vocals can be a tad weak, she has her own unique sound, and it seems unimaginable to picture anyone else singing or recording her songs! It is most likely that is because every song on the album is either written or co-written by Taylor herself! The only downside I would say to the album is the fact that almost every song is the same slow tempo. There is the occasional two, (Forever and Always and Tell Me Why). Also, this album is far more pop than her debut album, which included more country twang than this. Having said that, it is still a phenomenal album. CAUTION! This album is addicting!


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