Nervoselia | Teen Ink


March 11, 2024
By LW2006 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
LW2006 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the truth is not told, people get hurt. Lies are why friendships and relationships fall apart; they are used so others feel better about themselves, feel less embarrassed, or simply withhold information from others. 

It’s the fear that comes from the unknown consequence that is the reason why people feel the need to lie. Where does this fear come from?

 When an individual is put into a difficult situation, a fairy named Nervoselia is brought to earth by the gods of the underworld.  because she can sense the breakdown in the nervous system. 

The fairy then directs their thoughts to what is supposed to be the “easy way out” of that situation since she wants to get their nervous system back to normal. When pressured in a situation to seem cooler, people lie, and so in order to not be as nervous anymore the fairy directs them to the  “easy way out”, which is lying. 

What Nervoselia needs to realize is that her work is only going to come back. When others realize that a lie has been told, more emotions and more feelings get hurt at higher stakes. Lying creates issues, but Nervoselia believes continuous lying can destroy everything. Since she can feel all the nerves from people, she wants to relieve the pressure on herself as well. Therefore she can not see what is wrong with her actions because just like people who lie, they are selfish with their actions. 


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