Realism | Teen Ink


August 18, 2009
By TJ21992 PLATINUM, Penn Yan, New York
TJ21992 PLATINUM, Penn Yan, New York
31 articles 1 photo 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No matter how fast light travels, darkness is always there first, waiting!"

Warning! labels I mean they come on everything from electronics to wet floors, and even parents. I mean read the sign anything electronics, "Warning! Meant for blank ages and up. Can cause electrocution.". With wet floors come signs "Warning! Floors are wet may cause falling.". When we were all young we all heard "Oh dear, Warning! If you put your figure in the outlet you will get electrocuted." or the old "Oh don't touch the stove! Warning! You will be burned." We even have Warning! labels on bucket, "Warning! Do not allow children of age three and under to play with." They are there to lets us now things we should be aware of and thing we should not do. So why do I not have one and even you?

Did are Warning! labels fall of at birth. Like in school, why dot the jocks not have Warning! labels saying "Warning! May cause embarrassment. Contains LARGE ego." In addition, why is it that the girls with their noses in the air do not have one saying "Warning! Causes low self-esteem to non-liked females. Thinks highly of self. May think she is "all that"." Wouldn't these be great, you would know what to do, how to act, and what to say! It would be handy, a great convenience. So if everything else has one we must of had one too at one point, removed at birth, or maybe they dissolve away to forever be forgotten into our own skins for only us to know! Or just maybe we all have had our labels fallen off, trampled in the dusty ground of dirt, never to be found by anyone but very few. Well, I need a Warning! label, I need mine back. If you find it lying around covered in filth, this is what it reads, "Warning! Lacking in self-esteem. Suicidal. Breaking point low. Will inflict pain to others and self, when verbally attacked." So my question now is, have you seen it, my warning label, I need it back?


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 24 2009 at 12:59 am
kiwi12 PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
28 articles 10 photos 365 comments
I like this idea, and I would find it almost hilarious for all the jocks with that label and the girls with the noses in the air... However, your point is made, people should be more aware of their surroundings. For maybe the dumber people give them WARNING! signs, but our society should learn how to understand themselves. Grow up, you know? Our labels are still glued firmly on, just some might hide them and those obnoxious people make it obvious, practically neon lights with arrows pointing inward.

Nice work though!