Dark And Stormy Night | Teen Ink

Dark And Stormy Night

March 26, 2010
By rclark29 SILVER, Sloatsburg, New York
rclark29 SILVER, Sloatsburg, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling, and branches scraped on the windows. Suddenly there was a scream. I turn and look all around and check where it came from. I don’t know who it was and or what it is. All I know is what direction it was coming from. I look outside the window and I don’t see anything. I step away from the window just for a second and I hear anything scream. This time I rush to the window. This time I saw someone…… this time I saw something. But what was it? I suddenly see someone start running down the street. Then I see someone following him, chasing after him. The guy chasing him was an ugly, freaky, scary thing. I duck so no one could see me through the window. Just when I thought they were gone I hear another scream. This time I didn’t look up I just ran to my room, just under the covers and waited. Waiting for the people outside to go away. All night I kept hearing screams. I guess they didn’t leave.


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