New Idea's | Teen Ink

New Idea's

April 21, 2010
By Thinker PLATINUM, Na, Connecticut
Thinker PLATINUM, Na, Connecticut
47 articles 0 photos 82 comments

Favorite Quote:
A wise word does not make the speaker wise.

Systems of logical thought:
Systematic dissolution
When you find a desireable result of a problem that occurred in the past, and remove factors in an associative order from the chronologically furthest from the result to the closest.
Example is: one is constantly fighting with someone and found that someone you know previously had this problem and later found that it was resolved without much action. One might ask their friend to recall the event leading up the resolution starting from the point at wich they found they were no longer fighting and work back to the point where the fighting was the worst. One would then eliminate events or factors that would be least likely to cause the solution to occur. What is left after one has decided that no more can be reasonably removed you have a plausible and likely solution for your problem.
Logical disembodiment
Start from a single datum and remove each imadeate contributeing factor in a “tree” pattern until data consistency can no longer be achived.
Example is: one has a car witch will not start when the key is turned in the ignition. The voltmeter on the dash board reads a full charge and one knows that there is adequate fuel in the tank. One might start by checking the electrical system that stems from the key until the end of that system is reached without problem; then one might check fuel control systems if the ignition system is found to be problem free. This would continue until you have reached a solution except you would use the logic of, well if the lights can turn on and the voltmeter show a full charge then it isn’t an ignition switch or battery problem or a problem with any part of the system that receives power from these points, there for eliminating a large part of the system quickly.
Introspective dissesemblement
Describe a system without relying on a single point of datum, with the least amount of data possible without a loss of system function.
Example is: a rumor is being spread about a person and one wishes to find out how it originated. First you would take the entre immediate population within the microcosm, and then remove the people least likely to start the rumor (like those who have no knowledge of it). Without placing the responsibility on a single person you lay down a paradoxical development of the rumor starting with a first comment and then taking in to account all of the phrases said in relation to it and removing those that are irrelevant until a data set is concluded.
Assumptive propagation
Assume the truth of a single piece of data that occurs often in that situation and group the data common with it then apply the rest of the data that changes that factor until the assumed datum is no longer true.
Example is: you have an idea that says the most modest and assertive people will become the most successful in life; at the same time the same group of ideas says that the most intelligent will become the most successful. Yet in real life neither is true, if you start a model by assuming that both are false then find factors that are attributed to the falseness of this statement until you have single statement (data group) that is true. This illustrates that there is missing data in the models and that some is extra.
Introspective happenstance
When a data set occurs as a mode in a larger data set assume that they are dependent on each other as a microcosm and assess as a single and separate system.
Example is: one notices that right before you get in a fight with a close friend you are on the subject of finances, you can assume that finances is the cause of the fighting. Use this information to try and determine why these two relate.
Due cause
When an effect and result are in synchronized homogeneousness there is a relative and associative function between the two factors that can be simplified into a single equation or relation.
Example is: you have noticed that your car rattles every time you hit a bump, you can then relate the two numerically by saying that your speed and the hole depth effect the decibels that the vibration occurs at are directly rational.


This article has 2 comments.

on May. 17 2010 at 12:03 pm
Thinker PLATINUM, Na, Connecticut
47 articles 0 photos 82 comments

Favorite Quote:
A wise word does not make the speaker wise.

I appreciate your comments, thank you.

on May. 16 2010 at 7:16 am
.Escape.From.This.Afterlife. GOLD, Short Hills, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 92 comments

Favorite Quote:
"bad blood is more satisfying to spill across the floor..."

Wow, these are actually really fascinating!  You're mind is impressive. :)