Dear Death | Teen Ink

Dear Death

August 11, 2010
By Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Dear Death,

Can you understand love? I seriously doubt that you can; because, if you could, you would have looked into my mother’s eyes when she had turned around to smile at me in the car that day. You would have seen what I had seen: the affection glowing in her hazel gaze and the joy that flitted across her lips. That blissful moment before terror.

You witnessed that love shining like a headlight in our midst, yet still you made our car swerve off the road. And you wrenched my mom and dad from life’s embrace. My embrace, even though I thought I was holding on tightly enough. Why did you take them cruelly in your arms, and stalk past my brother and I? We were in the car too! I’d rather be walking hand in hand with them (wherever you took them after that day) than be left in the dust of life.

When I woke up in the hospital the next obscure morning, white-coated figures told me that they were gone. Through my tears, I made a solemn vow. It was a vow to hate you for the rest of my life. Mom and Dad, gone? You don’t understand love.

Your newest enemy,

Dear Death,

It’s been a year since I last wrote you, and I have already broken my vow. You took Grandpa yesterday, but he was different. I loved Grandpa in a way that would bring tears to anybody’s eyes. He used to tell me fantasy stories, swearing that they were real. I’d say, “you’re crazy, Grandpa!” He would look really serious and say, “What? You think I’m crazy?” then smile and wink: “maybe a little bit.” He warmed my heart so much.

Cancer, supposedly, was the murderer. But I recognized your aura in the hospital when he called me in to talk. He told me that everything was okay, giving me a smile that I had come to know as my friend. He told me that everything was all right, that there was nothing to fear from you, that he was just moving on, that I would see him in time. His words consoled me, but I cried as he gave my hand a little squeeze. Then I saw his spirit floating like a veil out of the room. I could have sworn that it winked at me.

I broke my vow, because I forgive you.

With love,

Dear Death,

It has been four years since Grandpa died. My brother has had a really hard life (as have I, for that matter). I had often seen him in his room praying, with tears in his eyes, before he left home to get a job. I guess no one answered his prayers, because I was told this morning that he was found dead after having jumped from his apartment building. This time, I shed no tears. I am beyond that now, even though my big brother is gone.

Before Grandpa called me to his sickbed, I heard him saying to my brother with a smile “teach Rose all that you know after I’m gone.” He has done so, because I’m looking at the noose that I have tied for myself, a foot in front of me. I’m almost ready to walk into your arms, just like my family. Now I have just stepped up onto the chair…

I don’t know how these letters will reach you, but I hope they do.

I want you to see what you have done.

See you soon,

Dear Rose,

I want you to know that I have read and reread your letters; they were very beautiful. Silver tears line my worn face as I watch you swing slowly like a pendulum from the rope. I also want you to know this: I’m so sorry. But your brother, he had jumped; somebody had to catch him. But I know you loved him. Your grandpa, he shook my hand as I helped him from his deathbed; he knew that it was all okay. And I know that you loved him. As for your parents, I did see that look in your mother’s eyes; and I’m so sorry that she and your father had to leave with me. I know that you loved them. But I am the deliverer; some people must be left behind as I take the others with me.

I remember your first words to me. To answer, I do understand love. I have seen so much, how could I not? But I’m glad you wrote to me and that you will be joining the ones that you care about. I look into your tranquil face and think: this is not the end, Rose.

Your friend,

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This article has 240 comments.

on Sep. 9 2010 at 7:28 pm
dogdaysareover SILVER, Cranford, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 19 comments
thank you! :)

on Sep. 8 2010 at 10:46 pm
DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
34 articles 1 photo 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn from your past to live for the future.

Haha, not to worry, I'm sure if I tried to strangle Death, there would be consequences.  It was just, your writing makes the reading HATE death so much, as if it were an actual person, and then as the letters progress, it is as if Death is BECOMING part of you.  In the very end, you almost have this sort of companionship with Death.  Very creepy.  Very original.  I liked it. ;-)

on Sep. 7 2010 at 8:18 pm
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Thank you so much for your comment! Please don't strangle Death, I have no idea where he would go. Death, I think, is both cruel and loving. I don't quite understand it.

on Sep. 7 2010 at 8:16 pm
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

I thank you dearly. For some reason, the British use the term 'goosepimples.' Wow, that was random. I appreciate your comment very much!

on Sep. 7 2010 at 8:15 pm
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Thanks for your compliment and I love your username.

on Sep. 7 2010 at 8:14 pm
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Thank you very much (but I'm sorry if I unsettled you; if you are still feeling unsettled, try a round of tum pills). I admit, I borrowed the concept of an animate death from The Book Thief, but I'm proud of this piece.

on Sep. 6 2010 at 11:57 pm
DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
34 articles 1 photo 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn from your past to live for the future.

Had me hooked from the very beginning.  I'm not sure how exactly to respond to it I say I hated it so much that I almost wish that I could grab death by the neck and kill it...or do I say I love it so much that because it is so true, and I'm going to print it off and hang it in my room?  Probably both?  Haha, no matter the case, it was beautiful, and it made me cry.  You're awesome at this.

on Sep. 6 2010 at 11:42 pm
msfmegan BRONZE, Fresno, California
2 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Why sodomize dragonflies.

This gave me goosebumps. You picked a good subject and how you chose to write about it is also amazing. Great job!

on Sep. 6 2010 at 10:40 am
dogdaysareover SILVER, Cranford, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 19 comments
This made me feel something really unsettling.  It's beautiful how you showed how someone eventually comes to accept death.  I also like how you chose to show the two points of view and how you said death does understand love.  Beautiful job!

on Sep. 5 2010 at 8:25 pm
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Thank you very much. But I feel like I have not made something clear: Rose is not me! Rose is currently taking long walks in a place that we cannot possibly imagine, with her parents and grandpa and brother.

on Sep. 5 2010 at 5:35 pm
taylorleigh17 SILVER, Pleasantville, Pennsylvania
6 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you love something set it free. If it comes back it was meant to be.

Amazing! You are an amazing writer. I am so sorry though.

on Sep. 3 2010 at 6:42 pm
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Thank you, my friend. Applause is plenty to get me going.

on Sep. 1 2010 at 8:29 pm
Holly_Frost GOLD, Henrietta, Texas
17 articles 5 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
Individuality makes us human

Applause for you, my dear! Sheer applause!

on Aug. 29 2010 at 10:14 am
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Thank you very much.

on Aug. 28 2010 at 10:57 pm
ihauntwizards SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
7 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We all have been the greatest, we all have been degraded.&quot; - The Maine, &quot;We&#039;ll All Be...&quot;

Wow. I am speechless.

Truly beautiful. Almost made me cry.

Excellent job!


on Aug. 21 2010 at 7:11 pm
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Thanks so much! Your comment meant a lot to me, especially since I have always doubted that I can inspire real emotion with my writing. Fortunately, I am not Rose and this is not my story. If I was, then I would be in no condition to comment...

on Aug. 21 2010 at 7:00 pm
writingchick GOLD, Huntington, Indiana
11 articles 0 photos 127 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Faith is taking another step without seeing the entire staircase.&quot;

Well despite the part where death writes to you that is. I'm sure that's not true, but anywho i LOVED this (:

on Aug. 21 2010 at 6:57 pm
writingchick GOLD, Huntington, Indiana
11 articles 0 photos 127 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Faith is taking another step without seeing the entire staircase.&quot;

There are tears rolling down my face from the beginning and i am the type of person that laughs at my mom crying in my sisters keeper. This is truely beautiful. And i'm so sorry if it is true. I can relate . . .

on Aug. 21 2010 at 2:56 pm
Thesilentraven PLATINUM, Mableton, Georgia
40 articles 2 photos 1632 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;il piu nell&#039; uno,&quot; (according to Emerson, an Italian expression for beauty)<br /> <br /> &quot;Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality&quot; ~Emily Dickinson<br /> <br /> &quot;The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain&quot; <br /> ~Kahlil Gibran

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I'm glad that you liked it.

on Aug. 20 2010 at 8:59 pm
classicStara PLATINUM, Potomac, Maryland
26 articles 0 photos 28 comments
this is beautiful. I have never seen anything like this. It almost made me cry. I think you should continue with fiction. its really moving and orignial