Ignorance | Teen Ink


August 27, 2011
By TheImaginationOfNessie SILVER, Rosemount, Minnesota
TheImaginationOfNessie SILVER, Rosemount, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am someone<br /> I would never have imagined.<br /> A secret.<br /> A dream . . . <br /> body and soul.<br /> Burn me.<br /> Drown me.<br /> Tell me lies.<br /> I will still be who I am.<br /> <br /> -Estrella deMadrigal<br /> Spain 1500

Employed; paychecks came bi-weekly
The fridge was full and the toilet paper never ran out
You bought me toys when I was good
Money; we had it once, I remember

There was no shouting or slamming doors
No empty threats of abandonment
Days passed when no one cried
Love; we had it once, I remember

You brushed my hair and tucked me in to sleep
Took care of me when I was sick
I told you everything I had to say
A mother; we had one once, I remember

There was church, every week
God was God and nothing else
There were no doubts, only belief
Faith; we had it once, I remember

There are worry lines on my forehead now
Bags under my eyes from sleepless nights
Was I pretty once, or did I imagine it?
Beauty; we had it once, I remember

Impossible, you whisper in my ear
It was never so.

The author's comments:
The meloncholy brainchild of my memories and regrets. Maybe my happiness was only blissful ignorance.


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