The Gift of the P.E. Teacher | Teen Ink

The Gift of the P.E. Teacher

March 10, 2023
By martinana_0805 GOLD, Nanjing, Other
martinana_0805 GOLD, Nanjing, Other
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fake it till you make it.

The "Gaokao" is a revered tradition in China, offering students life-changing opportunities. Education, they call it. But is it? I have my doubts.

One day, while browsing online, I came across a post from a diligent early bird at Medlin Heights who was going through the Gaokao. He revealed that he had to sacrifice his time for sports and instead focus on reviewing for the exam to achieve higher scores. However, the authorities demanded that all schools hold at least three P.E. classes a week, each lasting at least 40 minutes.

"It's a sad reality," he typed. "We can't cancel these classes or replace them with others. The higher-ups keep a watchful eye on this and come for on-the-spot inspections from time to time. And to make time for the ‘superior’ subjects, I have to come up with various excuses to call in sick."

As someone with experience, I told him, "Remember, your health always comes first."

There was a moment of silence before he replied with emojis for "OK" and "Thank you."

Feeling sympathetic, I asked, "How old are you? Maybe I can offer some help."

"I'm the P.E. teacher," was the reply.

However, the story doesn’t end there. A few days later, I was astonished to find that the school, Medlin Heights, posted an obituary announcing the sudden death of the beloved P.E. teacher, Mr. Lee.

Yesterday, I found his grave with the news guide and paid him my final respect. His epitaph, etched in white marble, read, "Mr. Lee, a beloved P.E. teacher, died of overexertion at work."

The author's comments:

To confide, I wrote this story with deep irony. I have seen so many peers suffering from Gaokao and unfair and unjust phenomena. Personally, I deeply resent this system. 

In this fiction, I tried to have an O-Henry twist at the end of the story. The title is also in remembrance of the famous short story, The Gift of The Magi

Hope you enjoy it!


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