Jar of Hearts | Teen Ink

Jar of Hearts

August 3, 2011
By Vareesha12 ELITE, Troy, Michigan
Vareesha12 ELITE, Troy, Michigan
130 articles 0 photos 9 comments

That girl plays a devil’s game. Under her fake smile and fake face, a fake girl a fake soul. And you watch as they fall for her and you wonder why. She might be pretty but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes, and you don’t understand she plays a devil’s game. Collect your heart and taunt as you wither in pain and you wonder why you fell for the girl playing a devil’s game. I don’t think you realized you fell for a b****, a heartless one at that. A heartless b**** collecting hearts to fill the emptiness inside. I dare you to stop the flow of words. To keep your mouth shut when I say nothing that matters. End everything, but you wouldn’t dare. Because to lose communication is to lose connecting strings. Oh I s w e a r, if you ruin it, I will cut out your slimy cold vile heart and make you devour every bite.


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