Mackinac Island Revolution, Part 1 | Teen Ink

Mackinac Island Revolution, Part 1

November 2, 2013
By CodyLang PLATINUM, Wyoming, Michigan
CodyLang PLATINUM, Wyoming, Michigan
27 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am just a sinner saved by grace-Rich Devous

How important is this life?

That's how I want to start off this story. How important is your life? Does it matter to your neighbors? Your family? Your freinds? Do you make an impact on your relationships, whether it be for the better or for the worst? Or are you without a voice, quietly watching life drift around you, not wanting to make a impact with your life?

Once I thought I made a impact on my own relations, I thought my family and friends looked to me for advice, but I was living up to a false reputation that doesn't even exist!

But I found the truth on the Island.

I found many truths on that island, even the truth who I really was, not some high sucesser but my deep, personal self.

I found many other physical things too, but, even though they are my favorite parts of my personal experience, I can't share them with you just yet.

So please, get comfortable , get a nice blanket, turn on your fireplace, get some food into your system, and maybe a fizzy beverage, because for this one, your going to be here for a while.


"Are you doing okay Master Drake?" My butler, Henry, asked concerning.

I was looking over the vast blue waters of lake Huron. Eyeing it very critically. The lake was having choppy waters today, causing the planes reflection to be disorted.

Sitting in the back of the small aircraft, was very uncomfortable, considering what I normally was escorted in.

"I'm fine, though it would have been better if we could have taken our private jet out here," I replied grumply.

Henry smiled softly."Don't worry, Sir, we'll be landing shortly."

"Still doesn't explain why we can't take the jet." I mumbled under my breath as I crossed my arms.

Unfortunately for me, you couldn't let anything slip past Henry. He just continued to smile and gave a sarcastic comment, "I don't know that Mackinaw island is big enough to even land your jet, much less have a runaway big enough in and out of the Island."

At this, I gave a small chuckle, and continued to stare out of the window and observed lake Huron's dull waters thinking about my life, in general.

The author's comments:
Please tell me how to improve on this writing, so leave a rating and a comment.
Also, if you get over 100 viewers, I will post more later.

Thanks for reading, Cody


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