True stories by teens written on a variety of topics. | Teen Ink


Top voted Nonfiction

#2191voted by our readers
By diggysmall SILVER
Cambridge, Massachusetts

What does a SPORT mean? What do people think of when they hear t he word SPORT? Baseball, football, basketball, volleyball, track, etc. The definition of SPORT is: An activity invo...
diggysmall SILVER, Cambridge, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

#2192 Nonfiction
20Autumn14 GOLD, Ely, Nevada
18 articles 5 photos 5 comments
#2193 Nonfiction
By Anonymous
#2194 Nonfiction
By JustinHelton BRONZE
Jonesport, Maine
JustinHelton BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#2195 Nonfiction
By Anonymous
#2196 Nonfiction
By Anonymous
#2197 Nonfiction
NinoM BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
#2198 Nonfiction
By Yaasmeen GOLD
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Yaasmeen GOLD, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
14 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it&#039;s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.&rdquo;<br /> ― Marilyn Monroe,

#2199 Nonfiction
By ShatteredHeArT SILVER
Americus, Georgia
ShatteredHeArT SILVER, Americus, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
LIFE offers us choices and forces us to live with the consequences of our decisions.

#2200 Nonfiction
adrijg3 GOLD, Franklin, Ohio
16 articles 1 photo 2 comments